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Elementary Particles

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For Children - for younger people

Electric Forces & Fields
For Children The Electric Force
For Children Electric Force Fields
For Children Charges and Fields
For Children Vibrating Charges and Electromagnetic Waves

For Older People The Discovery of the Electron

Traveling Waves
For Older People Waves and Wave-Like Motion
For Children Catch the Wave
For Children Vibrating Charges and Electromagnetic Waves
For Children Electromagnetic Waves
Standing Waves
For Older People Physics 128 Lecture Standing Waves
For Older People Resonance in Strings and Springs
For Older People Standing Wave - 1st Harmonic
For Older People Standing Wave - 2nd Harmonic

For Older People Bohr Atom
For Children Schrödinger & Bohr Models
For Children Spectral Lines

Protons and Neutrons
For Older People Nuclear Twins The Discovery of the Proton and Neutron

Elementary Particles -- Introductory
For Children Particle Adventure
For Children Fermilabyrinth - Law 'n Order
For Older People Elementary Particles