Fermilab LInC Online

California Professional Development Institute Assessment Scoring Guide: Writing


Point 5
Point 4
Point 3
Point 2
Point 1
Teacher Totals
Student Evaluation*
Difference in Scoring**
Organization introduction establishes context, sets organizational stance introduction establishes organizational stance standard openings, closings weak opening or closing no clear organization or focus      
points connected, strong links points connected clear central point may ramble, be repetitive may exhibit simple, formulaic seguence without substance to fit      
conclusions seem justified; do not repeat opening conclusions seem justified overall organization may be limited by rigid formula          
Development insightful ideas developed with strong support good ideas developed with supported information good ideas, at least one developed and supported limited number of ideas or one idea developed with few specific details

may present one idea minimally developed



vivid details, specific examples good use of details, specific examples some use of specific detail any references to text are merely mentioned, not developed may offer no ideas, just listing of topics copied from the text      
relevant references to text relevant references to text some appropriate references to text
may include support from personal experience and knowledge may include support from personal experience and knowledge may include personal information as support, not always relevant
Craft extremely fluent with extensive, mature vocabulary very fluent with mature vocabulary fluent with adequate vocabulary basic oral vocabulary meaning may be obscured by weaknesses in sentence structures      
uses sentences of varying structure for dramatic and persuasive effect and to show relations between idea uses a variety of sentence types effectively to show relations between ideas shows some mastery of a variety of sentence structure little variation in sentence types or structures
may use memorable and persuasive analogies, metaphors, or other figures of speech to elaborate on ideas may use some analogies, metaphors, or other figuresof speech to support ideas
Conventions consistent application of standard writing conventions such as punctuation, capitalization, spelling and usage fairly consistent application of standard writing conventions such as punctuation, capitalization, spelling and usage somewhat uneven application of standard writing conventions such as punctuation, capitalization, spelling and usage very inconsistent in application of standard writing conventions such as punctuation, capitalization, spelling and usage. lacks control of standard writing conventions such as punctuation, capitalization, spelling and usage.      

Rubrics created by California Department of Education

*Student Evaluation is to be done on a separate form without knowledge of teacher assessment. Student will transfer their scores onto the teacher form before reflecting on the differences.

**Students will write a reflective essay describing the "differences in evaluation" with an emphasis on "how" and "why" they perceive that these differences occurred.

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Created for the Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab, and funded by United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL), and the National Science Foundation.

Author(s): Editor David Tillay (vhsdtillay@hotmail.com)
School: Vallejo High School, Vallejo, Ca.
Created: February 15, 2001 - Updated: December 28, 2002
URL: /lincon/w01/projects/aviation/englishrubrics2.htm