Sol Cache-Solar Energy






 Color Absorption

 Energy Audit

 Solar Ovens


For ongoing assessment follow the guidance your teacher gave you at the beginning of the project.

For final assessment the following rubric assess what you learned about renewable energy and how well you understand solar energy.
Other project rubrics assess other research skills.




 Point Value

  6 Points 

  4 Points   
 2 Points 

 0 Points

 Describes renewable energy and energy.

The descriptions of renewable energy and energy are high quality with many sources referred to.

The description of renewable energy and energy are complete.

Descriptions of renewable energy and energy are incomplete or it is evident that some of the descriptions are irrelevant.

  No descriptions of renewable energy and energy or descriptions are irrelevant.

 Explains the similarities and differences between reflection and absorption.

There are numerous and complete explanations of similarities and differences.

 The explanations of similarities or differences are complete.

 An explanation of similarities or description is supplied or one is an incomplete explanation.

  No explanation of similarities or differences are supplied.

Demonstrates knowledge of insolation.

 The student demonstrates the knowledge of insolation and has several sources and an investigation cited.

  The student demonstrates the knowledge of insolation and has 2 sources or investigation cited.

 The student demonstrates the knowledge of insolation and has only 1 source or investigation cited

  Student does not demonstrate the knowledge of insolation.

Analyzes the importance of energy efficency of the home and community.

 Multiple validation techniques are used that produce accurate and conclusive energy efficiency information.

 Validation techniques are effective and produce conclusive energy efficiency results.

 Efforts are made to validate the energy efficiency information but is incomplete, irrelevant, or inconclusive.

 There is no validation of energy efficiency.

 Explanation of the potential relevance of solar energy findings.

 The relevance is clearly articulated and the explanation makes a compelling statement for solar energy.

 The relevance of solar energy is clearly articulated.

 The explanation of solar energy is illogical, irrelevant or fails to communicate clearly.

 No explanation of relevance of solar energy is offered.


Created for the NTEP II Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab, and funded by United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL), and the National Science Foundation.


Author(s): Sue Emmons ,
School:Powell Middle School, Littleton CO 80120
Created: September 9, 1998 - Updated: December 9, 1998
URL: /ntep/f98/projects/nrel/rubric.html