Sol Cache-Solar Energy

Energy Audit






 Color Absorption

 Energy Audit

 Solar Ovens


Energy Audit

You now know about our nation's energy crisis. To examine this first-hand, we would like you to check on your energy use for one week at home. This is called an energy audit.You will probably want to have one of your parents or guardians help you with this project. Use the form below to enter your data (if you do not have a computer at home, you can print this page). You will be looking at is kW/hr or kilowatts per hour.

A kilowatt-hour is the amount of electrical energy used when one kilowatt of power is used for one hour.

A therm unit is the heat required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water 1 degree Fahrenheit.




 Loads Per Week


 Your Ave. Cost Per Week

 Washing Machine (warm/cold)










 Ave. kW per hour used


 Hours Used Per Day


 Days used Per Week


 Aver. Rate Per kwh


 Your Ave. Cost Per Week

 Color Television






























 Personal computer and printer










 Miscellaneous Household (Electric)

 Ave. cost per use


 How many uses per week?


Your Ave. Cost Per Week

 Hair Dryer







 Ave cost per hour used


 Hours per week


 How many of these do you use


 Ave. cost per week

 Lighting (bulb)








 Heating (Gas)


Ave. Therms Per Hour



Hours Used Per Week


Ave. Rate Per Therm


Ave. weekly Pilot Light Cost


 Your Ave. Cost Per Week












 Ave. cost per week



 Answering Machine




 Alarm Clock




 Cordless telephone







Add up the results of your energy audit for the week. Your results should reflect the total energy cost for the week. Give the results to your teacher and he/she will E-mail the results to a central location.

Created for the NTEP II Fermilab LInC program sponSolar: Rubricsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab, and funded by United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL), and the National Science Foundation.


Author: Sue Emmons
School: Powell Middle School, Littleton, Co 80122
Created: 12/1/98
URL: /ntep/f98/projects/nrel/semmons.