Sol Cache-Solar Energy







 Color Absorption

 Energy Audit

 Solar Ovens

Defining the Problem

Energy experts beginning to investigate this project would begin by developing questions they have and the problem that needs to be solved. They would need to assess how much they know and what they still need to learn before they can progress further. What do you know and what do you need learn about energy and about solar energy? Whaat did the Secretary of the Department of Energy want you to do? You may want to look at the letter again. What problem do you want to solve? You can use the buttons to go to the background information pages (click on the button) and learn about energy and solar energy.

Webs, charts, tables, journals are all methods that could be used. Use the laboratory sheets to record information as you go along. Think about how the information you learn will help you develop your presentations. Good research teams would set up a work plan outline (show your work plan to your teacher for suggestions/guidance).

Investigation Tools

Once scientists have the background knowledge they need, and a clearly defined problem they wish to solve, they can begin their research. As they develop a hypothesis, they conduct research that will support or refute the hypothesis. You can also click to go to activities on color absorption, solar ovens, and energy audit which will help you learn more and guide your questioning. On-line resources will contain a wealth of information and data that would be useful to scientists. Data would be clearly shown in tables, charts, and graphs.


Scientists publish and share their work with other scientists to have their result validated. Scientists also use conferences and symposiums to learn from each other and further their own research. Remember, your expert team needs to make a convincing presentation at the symposium. Look at the rubric to make sure your presentation includes all necessary information.

Presentation should provide the following:

Presentation should be:


Created for the NTEP II Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab, and funded by United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL), and the National Science Foundation.
Author: John Sepich
School: Scott Carpenter Middle School, Westminster, Colorado
Created: September 9, 1998 revised December 7,1998
URL: /ntep/f8/projects/nrel/student.html