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Beauty & Charm (grades 6–9)

Beauty and Charm (6–9)
How do scientists work? How can we study things we can't even see? Our Beauty & Charm field trip provides middle school students authentic experiences using scientific practices and cross-cutting concepts from the Next Generation Science Standards.
About the Field Trip

Beauty and Charm is an engaging, exciting, exploratory physical science program in which students learn how scientists work, and how we can learn about things we can't see. Activities introduce your students to the world of particle physics, and to the concept of science as a process of constant, ongoing learning.

"I felt that the teachers, docent and all the scientist/staff at Fermilab respected us as educators and made us feel very welcomed. I feel way more knowledgeable about particle physics and am prepared to bring some of that knowledge into my classroom."

Beauty and Charm Field Trips include:

  • Connect with Fermilab science and take data using the Lederman Science Center exhibits.
  • Participate in a Q&A with a scientist or engineer.

"The scientist … was fabulous. We appreciated the fact that he did not 'talk down' to our students. As a result, we saw them blossom on their trip and really step outside their comfort zones, asking thought-provoking questions. Our 7th Grade students have been visiting Fermi for many years, and this year was particularly enjoyable. The docents were patient, knowledgeable, and pleasant. Thank you so much for a great experience."

"I want them to hear about the philosophy of everyone being significant. That's important for them to understand, especially at this age; that they have a voice, that their ideas are important, and when they come here, it's the same message that I give them in the classroom."

To schedule your field trip, contact us at or call us at 630-840-8258.

About the Field Trip Essentials session

To fully prepare your students for a physical science or life science visit, you must participate in either a two-hour training session or a summer Teacher Workshop. These will give you all the information and resources to implement engaging preparatory activities in the classroom that introduce the essential concepts, content, and logistics of the field trip. Your participation will allow your students to learn more about the research and ecology of Fermilab and to better appreciate their on-site experience.

Two-hour Field Trip Essentials sessions:
  • Registration required three weeks prior.
    Location: Lederman Science Center
    Time: 4:15–6:15 p.m., with a 10-minute break
    Fee: Free of charge
    You must have a REAL ID-compliant document, such as an enhanced driver's license or passport, to enter Fermilab. Visit for more information.

About the Teacher Workshop
Experience the Beauty and Charm curriculum as your students will! Master teachers lead the activities in the fifth edition of the Beauty & Charm manual and provide insight from experience with students. Participants will also experience the student field trip and a special driving tour of the Lab.

More information on our workshops can be found here.

Beauty and Charm Field Trip:

  • Teachers may bring students to Fermilab for free field trips.
  • Students must be age 10 or older.
  • Must be scheduled at least three weeks in advance.
  • Field Trips are available Tuesday–Friday starting in November each school year.
  • Group size: Minimum of 10; maximum of 54
  • Chaperones: One adult chaperone (instructor or responsible adult) for every 10 students. We recommend that groups bring extra chaperones to ensure that the minimum number make the trip. Tours are not permitted for groups that arrive without the minimum number of required chaperones.
  • Groups may arrange to eat lunch in the Fermilab cafeteria.