Fermilab LInC

Aviation Student Timeline

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Airport Flight Schedule

Weekly: Student Journal checks by teacher.

Week 2 & 4: Student research will be evaluated by each instructor for content.

Week 6 & 7: Student written document will be evaluated twice by use of a teacher rubrics to give students feedback and for pilimenary grade.

Week 8: Students to present final written document to the class for student selection and teacher grading.

Week 10 & 11: Student multimedia product will be evaluated twice by use of a teacher rubrics to give students feedback and for pilimenary grade.

Week 12: Students to present multimedia presentation to the class for student selection and teacher grading.

Week 13: Presentations and brochures will be presented to the class and teacher for final evaluation. One document and one multimedia presentation will be accepted for the final district board presentation which will be made in February.

Week 14-17: English class students compile selected brochures into one booklet representing each discipline with appropriate credits. CAD class students compile selected multimedia presentations into one finished product. CAD and English teachers will evaluate progress once a week.

Week 18: A document and a multimedia presentation will be presented to all classes in an assembly on Monday for student and teacher evaluation. Students will have the rest of the week to make final revisions. At the next district board meeting, students will make their presentation.


CAD Student Pages Flight Plan
English Student Pages Flight Plan
Library Student Pages Flight Plan
Math Student Pages Flight Plan


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Created for the Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab, and funded by United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL), and the National Science Foundation.

Author(s): Jim Connelly (vhsjconnelly@myschool.com), Carla Decker(vhscdecker@hotmail.com), Sandra Lane (sandlane90@hotmail.com), and Sheila Smith (mommymean@hotmail.com), David Tillay (vhsdtillay@hotmail.com)
School: Vallejo High School, Vallejo, CA
Created: February 15, 2001 - Updated: December 28, 2002
URL: /lincon/w01/projects/aviation/timeline.htm