Fermilab Leadership Institute Integrating Internet Instruction and Curriculum

Winter 2001 LInC Home Page

This Week's Chat Topics:

Wednesday April 18:

W2001 LInC Resources:

  1. 2001 Facilitator Academy Travel Information
  2. LInC Partnership Program Plan Assignment
  3. Example LInC Partnership Program Plan
  4. Group and Individual Project Work
  5. Next Steps in LInC
  6. W2001 LInC Tips on Working as a Team
  7. W2001 LInC Vision for Technology Use
  8. View the Class List
  9. LInC Partnership Program Announcement



Course evaluation forms are due the Sunday following your project presentation. i.e. Sun April 15 and Sun April 22

End of Course Due Dates

Project Presentations during chat and
LInC Partnership Program Plan due dates
Wed April 11 aviation, earthquakes, floodingrivers, futureschool, library, survivor
Wed April 18 bacteria, diversity, genetics, herbs, naturetrail, weather, wetlands


This Week's Assignments: Due Sunday April 22, Midnight

(Note: Earlier assignments can still be found on the assignment sheet.)

  1. Upload any remaining revisions to components by April 22.
    (last day to update before grading starts)

  1. Please fill out the LInC Evaluation Forms after your presentation.
    (They are due on Sunday.)

    The second one is long. The rest are much shorter.
    You can fill them out on different days if you like.
    We really use these to improve the course and materials
    which you can then use for your LInC courses.
    We appreciate your time in completing them!

    When you submit, a new browser window will pop up showing the results. If it says in red at the top "Your form was successfully submitted ...", You are all set. You can print this out if you want a copy.

    If it shows an "Error" instead, move the new window aside (but do not minimize it) so you can see your original browser window with all your answers still there. You should not need to fill the form out from scratch, just make the needed edits and press submit again. Then look in the same results window as before to see the success message.

    On these forms, please choose "Fermilab, IL" as your group and remember to fill in the last 4 digits of your social security so we can credit your work. Your facilitator will not see these forms until after grades are turned in. Thanks!

Resources for Development of Project Components

Use the following resources as needed to make progress on your project. Please see the Guidance for Development of Project Components page. This has been put on a it's own page to shorten this assignment page.

 Presentation Page


 Web Pages for Students


Unit Description Before LInC

 Web Authoring Resources

Staff Development Plan

File Transfer Resources